Cainhoy Veterinary Hospital

Cainhoy Veterinary Hospital Accreditations & Certifications

Certifications and accreditations don’t make a veterinary practice great on their own, but they do serve as a great way of letting clients know that we take the quality of our care and service seriously. Here are some of the accreditations we’ve earned at Cainhoy Veterinary Hospital

Low Stress Handling

The veterinary experience isn’t always a pleasant one for pets. From being in a strange environment to sometimes having to undergo uncomfortable but necessary procedures or treatments, it can be easy for pets to have a psychologically stressful experience when they visit the vet.

That’s why at Cainhoy Veterinary Hospital our doctors and licensed technicians are low-stress handling certified. This certification involves training (and ongoing re-training) for our entire staff in how to properly handle and interact with pet patients in the most low-stress way possible. Everything from lighting and design in the facility to tone of voice, physical handling, and our policies are designed around low-stress handling certification and the positive experiences we bring your pets.

Join the Cainhoy Veterinary Hospital Family Today!

Located in Point Hope Commons off of Clements Ferry Road.

Phone: 843-971-6200

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